Medical equipment and furniture
Optical Glass
High-quality glass products
Optical Glass
Drawing on more than a century of experience in developing and manufacturing high-quality glass products, Medei Optics presents an extensive array of optical glasses suitable for a wide spectrum of commercial, industrial, and scientific applications.

Medei Optics's optical glasses are available in various forms, including raw glass, cut blanks, and pressings, as well as finished components. We collaborate closely with our customers to customize our products to their specific requirements.

Our highly homogeneous glass plays a pivotal role in high-power laser applications and astronomy, while our i-Line glass offers outstanding UV transmittance. Cameras and medical instruments also rely on our precision-molded glasses, whereas HT and HTUltra glasses provide exceptional transmittance for projectors and high-end optical systems. Discover your ideal optical glass!
Our optical glass products are known for their exceptional quality, meeting the highest industry standards for reliability and performance.
With a wide range of technical properties, our optical glass is suitable for a variety of applications, from high-power laser systems to precision optics.
Customization Expertise
We specialize in tailoring optical glass to your exact specifications, ensuring it perfectly matches your unique requirements and preferences.
Product Variants
Medei Optics categorizes its optical glass products into groups based on their shared physical attributes and intended applications. These groups encompass HT and HTUltra Glass, optimized for maximum light transmission, as well as i-Line Glass engineered for exceptional UV transmission. The specialist collection is further enriched by High Homogeneity Glass, Low Tg Glass for Precision Molding, and Radiation Resistant Glass.

Top-Quality Components with Exceptional Characteristics
The optical glass portfolio offers an array of technical properties, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. From its high homogeneity and precise refractive index to outstanding light transmittance and low transition temperatures, our optical glass can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. Compliant with the latest industry standards and subject to continuous monitoring and inspection, we ensure that high quality is a standard feature.
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